

IJSAR going to launch new issue Volume 06, Issue 03, March 2025; Open Access; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments send email to:


Submission last date: 15th March 2025

Assessment of depression and anxiety among care givers of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder children at Khartoum state 2018


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Dr. Leena S. Taha, Dr. Omer M. Hussein and Dr. Mohamed A. Mohamed
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Background: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neuro-psychiatric disorder affecting children, teenagers and adults. It is characterized by pattern of decreased attention &impulsivity or hyperactivity. There are many problems associate with ADHD which affect the family situation, especially caregivers, put them on continuous stress and alert state. Looking after such disturbing child may cause emotional demanding on care givers. This may lead to development of anxiety symptom and depression. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to assess depression and anxiety among the care givers of ADHD children in Khartoum state during the period from March 2018-July 2018. Methods: This is a cross sectional hospital based study. Data was collected by socio-demographic questioner designed by the researcher and pre-designed questioners attended by direct interview, using Beck depression self-reporting rating invert and Taylor anxiety scale with caregivers attending the three major psychiatric clinic at Khartoum state(Elzahraa child psychiatry center at Eltegani Elmahi hospital- Taha Baasher Teaching Hospital & child psychiatry clinic at Military Hospital),. Results: Total sample was 117 participants, included from military hospital was 51 caregivers, 28 from Taha Basher Teaching hospital, and 38 care givers from Elzahraa center. The majority of them in the three hospital was mothers (79.5%),most of the care givers from urban area(92.3%).care givers who lives within their small nuclear rather than extended family was 78,4%.majaroty of ADHD children were male(87.2%).the children who have another co-morbid  mental illness constitute 42.7% of the total sampl.88,0% of care givers have no assistant help in caring their child. from all sample the presence of anxiety in variant degrees was (76.1%),and the prevalence of depression was (67,5%).The severity of anxiety and depression increases with increase of the level of education. Conclusion: The prevalence of anxiety and depression among care givers of ADHD children is relatively high. The finding of this study demonstrates the need of more studies related to ADHD children and their caregivers. The important of assessment of parents of ADHD children& should consider providing proper psychiatric and psychological management to them if needed.

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