Obesity is considered a worldwide problem that over the years has reached global dimensions that affect the entire population. This issue is even more worrisome in the child population who are exposed to developing chronic non-communicable diseases in adulthood. The World Health Organization (WHO) has generated various strategies to reduce the prevalence of this pathology, however there are other aspects that are relevant to consider and that directly influence this problem, such as social epidemiology. This collective phenomenon affects families, communities and the territory in which they develop. Under this scenario, it is imperative to know how these aspects shaped by social, cultural, political and historical structures influence and how they contribute to the obesogenic results of the child population. Being able to understand the problem from its structure will allow to address the various biopsychosocial dimensions as a collective process that requires a multidisciplinary vision, a work with the communities allowing to have a vision of the complexity and comprehensiveness of this public health problem.