In the past few years automotive companies have been searching for technological advantages to increase fuel millage in order to protect the environment, while still providing an enjoyable driving experience for their customers. With gas prices on the rise, the average American wants a car that can do everyday activities whilst spending the least amount of fuel possible. Not only customers are demanding for better gas millage, but the government as well. In fact, president Obama passed the Fuel Economy Reform Act, which states that by the year 2025 new cars are to have gas millage of 54.5 miles per gallon. In our senior thesis we will attempt to address this issue by designing and building an HHO generator. This generator uses the principle of electrolysis to split water into its two molecules, hydrogen and oxygen, in gas form. This gas will be introduced into the combustion chamber of an engine to increase its power, burn less gas, and exhaust water particles out to the environment. “Water fueled HHO technology has the ability to clean up our environment and is also beneficial for the vehicle’s mileage”