Astrology is an ancient art that based on Hindu religious scriptures. The movement and positions of celestial bodies can have a profound impact on our love life, work life, and everything in between. A major part of Astrology is using the movements and relationships of the planets to forecast what will be happening in our lives. It is believed that each zodiac sign and planet is connected to the body’s parts and functions. Medical astrology is an ancient medical system that searches the mysteries of the possibilities of diseases that are likely to occur in the future. The aim of this study was to display the association of celestial bodies on blood cancer. The random sampling of fifteen blood cancer treating individuals were included in this study and selected for the Kundali (birth chart). The Kundali was prepared on the date and the time of birth of the patients recorded by them. The preparation of Birth-chart, mainly Lagna Kundali, was based on the calendar issued by the Nepal Panchanga Nirnayak Committee. In majority of the patients, the Moon and Mars which is the causal-factor of blood cancer, found to be victimized by the sinful planets like Mars, Saturn Rahu and Ketu. Such relationship between causal-planet (Moon & Mars) and sinful planets (Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu) in analysis showed the possibility of blood-cancer. Hence, it is better to introduce the Medical astrology to prevent the blood cancer in modern practice.