The purpose of this documentary and explanatory research work is for didactic purposes, professional improvement and contribution in the area of Chemistry. The didactic method with all certainty to teach any topic, of any subject, of any level and in any field is Teaching to Think and Analogical; to learn it requires developing cognitive skills in students. The topic presented is an interpreted and represented mathematical strategy of Hund's rules, to analyze the "anomalies" that apparently do not have a pattern, they are also based on the theories of Pauling and Werner, without these theories it would not be possible to justify the behavior of certain representative elements similar to anomaly behavior. When carrying out an analysis, it can be concluded that, being different, all anomalies have a general and a particular attribute; the first is that all the anomalies coincide in that the valence electron is responsible for seeking stability in the last orbital of the electron configuration, and the second depends on the location of the valence electron to which this last electron belongs in the configuration electronics of each element, making this the difference in each anomaly. In addition, an update is added to the proposal for a new design of the Periodic Table, presented in a previous article by the author, hence it is concluded with complete certainty that in the new proposed design a new pattern was identified that organizes the elements in their basal state by the Moeller Diagram.