Sandhi Vata (Osteoarthritis) is a joint degenerative disorder and the 2nd most common rheumatic disease which affects almost 16% to 23% population worldwide and 22% to 39% population in India only. It generally affects the aged people and is frequently accompanied by the symptoms such as pain, stiffness, swelling, less flexibility and movements of joints, worsening of connective tissues. As per classical text of Ayurveda, it is a Vata Vyadhi in which Shool pradhan vedana, Vata purnadruti are the main symptoms and due to same cardinal features, it is correlated with Osteoarthritis. The Management of Sandhigata Vata can be done through Panchkarma therapies like; Snehana (Oleation therapy), Swedana (Fomentation), Basti Karma (Administration of medicated oil through anal route), Nasya Karma (Infused medicated oil into both nostrils). It is usually treated with modern medicines like Acetaminiphen, Aspirin, Non-Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs (NIAIDs) as a pain relievers. Here an attempt is made to highlight the causative factors, symptoms, and management of Sandhigata vata as per classical Ayurvedic texts.