Universities currently face the constant need to optimize educational teaching in order to achieve a knowledge society, an example of this is the work carried out by undergraduate students called "Final University Work", which allows evaluating a high number of factors, such as the degree of understanding of the learning unit, teaching exercise, among others. However, the instrumental contributions for its evaluation are null, therefore, the central objective of the trial was the design and validation of an analytical rubric that addressed this contextual problem under a socioformative approach. For its construction, research, work and tools were examined for the selected topic. The methodological design of the instrument considered five elements corresponding to the appropriation of knowledge, organization, contributions, as well as composition. The most notable contribution was the review by experts that allowed to verify the belonging and relevance of the elements of the instrument. The experts' judgment confirmed the content validity in the criteria analyzed (Aiken's V> 0.80; VI> 0.50). Therefore, the conclusion was that the tool is relevant and significant, due to the values obtained in the different phases developed.